Ben On The Mend

Time for some good news. Apparently Ralph Archbold, Philadelphia’s most well-known Benjamin Franklin impersonator, is on the mend following his stroke last year. Regular readers of this site (hello mum and dad) will know that a little under a year ago I interviewed Ralph over dinner in the City of…

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Interview 16: Tea With Teresa

Today’s dinner with a stranger is actually brunch with a stranger. But I felt that “Brunching With Strangers” was an awkward title for a website, so I’m going to say that, technically, the meal I had counts as a dinner. Right? Right. Anyway, by clicking here you can read about…

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Delayed Festivities

Here’s the third and final (mercifully, I’m sure) video of Margarita Pracatan and I attempting various festive songs. I know it’s a little out of date. This time round we’re singing “Feliz Navidad” with two key elements. First, we’d had quite a lot of wine by this point. Second, neither…

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On The Road To Somewhere

Hello again! Hope you had a good time over Christmas. Later this week I’ll be uploading the rather belated third festive music video I recorded with Margarita Pracatan. In the meantime, a short update on my travel plans this year. I’ve updated the list of places I intend on visiting…

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